Since 1994 mk consults politicians as well as companies and governmental and non-governmental organisations in media relations and public affairs – in a practically relevant manner. My expertise is in the understanding of the interfaces between the economy, politics, administration and the communication media. I will ensure that your institution will strengthen its image as a reliable big player around the world. We are in the position to make your strategy and policy better known and understood in Germany and other countries. I will ensure that you gain a better standing in media and politics.

About mk
What clients say about us
Ihre Beratung ist kompetent und zielführend. Es werden nicht umfangreiche Texte und Strategiepapiere produziert, die vielleicht irgendwie sinnvoll sind, aber nur schwer umgesetzt werden können. Ihre Hilfe ist konkret und führt zu Kontakten zu Menschen in wichtigen Bereichen. […] Sie haben Kontakte zu Journalisten hergestellt und sie auf unaufdringliche Weise zu einem Interview mit mir ermuntert, in denen ich ebenfalls die Gelegenheit hatte, über das Opus Dei und seine Ziele zu berichten. […] Es ist angenehm, dass Sie praktisch immer erreichbar sind und auf Mails unverzüglich antworten. […] So möchte ich Ihnen auf diese Weise auch danken und Ihnen meine Anerkennung für Ihre Tätigkeit aussprechen und kann Sie auch anderen empfehlen.
Prelate Dr. Christoph Bockamp, Head of Opus Dei Germany
Catholic Church
Markus Kurz has been advising Nammo Buck GmbH since 2012 in all matters of public relations and public affairs. In all these years he has succeeded in an outstanding manner in placing our company in the German media. Mr. Kurz also does outstanding work for us in crisis communications, ...In the area of lobbying, Mr. Kurz represents us to local politicians as weil as members of the state parliaments and the Bundestag in an optimal way.
Nammo Group
The Nammo Group is an international, globally active company in the aviation and defence industry with headquarters in Norway with 2,400 employees at 30 locations in 14 countries
Sie haben in den Jahren 1994 bis 2005 zu meiner größten Zufriedenheit meine Presse-und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit geleitet. Als Pressesprecher begleiteten Sie mich in den Jahren meiner Tätigkeit als Abgeordneter des Deutschen Bundestages sowie als Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär von 1994 bis 1998. Auch in den Jahren als Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung des Deutschen Bundestages von 1998 bis 2005 zeichneten Sie für meine Pressearbeit verantwortlich. Für die sehr gute und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit bedanke ich mich herzlich.
Rudolf Kraus, früherer Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Arbeit (†)
Markus is a joy to work with, and his proactive, efficient and pleasant manner means he can integrate easily into any organization. He is particularly adept at seeing the bigger picture of how PR and reputation management can be harnessed to best serve his clients, and his quick understanding of the wider needs of an organization means he can offer insightful input and advice across various areas of a business – whether on wider strategy or specific tactical plans. He is also extremely adaptable, and works flexibly to get the best results for his clients. His keen business sense, strong contacts within DACH across political, economical and business spheres, combined with his deep experience in crisis communications makes him a reliable PR consultant you can trust to deliver impactful results.
IESE Business School Barcelona – Madrid – München – São Paulo – New York City
Für die Schulung der Anwälte […] in unserem Hause möchte ich mich herzlich bedanken. Die Anwälte konnten bereits viele Ihrer praktischen Tipps umsetzen, Formulierungen fallen schon jetzt einfacher. […] Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek ist eine auf Wirtschaftsberatung ausgerichtete Sozietät [mit über 400 Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern und Notaren]. […] In Ihrem Seminar haben Sie unseren Anwälten erfolgreich einen Überblick über den sprachlichen Stil geben können, der insbesondere zur vereinfachten Darstellung von komplexen Sachverhalten und Entscheidungen von Nöten ist.
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Sie vertreten die Kanzlei Schwartz Insolvenzverwalter nun seit 2009 gegenüber den deutschen Medien. In dieser Zeit ist es Ihnen gelungen, mehrere Hundert Presseberichte über unsere Kanzlei zu platzieren. In Fällen der Krisenkommunikation rund um die Rettung insolventer Unternehmen verlassen wir uns auf Ihren Rat im Umgang mit Medien und Politik. Wir fühlen uns durch Sie bestens beraten.“
SRI Schwartz Rechtsanwälte Insolvenzverwalter
My experiences
- Public affairs and media relations experience
- Speaker and Public Affairs Advisor of BA Clearance GmbH
The company, BA stands for Battle Area Clearance, detects and removes explosive ordnance and booby traps in current or former crisis regions – or trains local staff to do so. - Speaker of IESE Business School for Germany. Responsible for Media Relations and Public Affairs of one of the best Business Schools in the world, ranked #1 in Executive Education by Financial Times for record 6th year, with campuses in Munich, Barcelona, Madrid, New York and Sao Paulo. The IESE Business School educates leaders to whom we can entrust the future of business and society.
- Media advisor for politicians from Western and Central Africa.
- Speaker of the Parliamentary Secretary and Head of Committee of Economic Cooperation and Development of the German Parliament Bundestag Rudolf Kraus. (1992-2005)
- Media Relations and Public Affais Advisor of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Germany. (2020-2023)
- Public Affairs Advisor to EQS Group, a leading international cloud provider in the fields of corporate compliance, investor relations and sustainability reporting. (2023)
- Speaker and public affairs advisor of Nammo Defence Germany GmbH (former Nammo Buck GmbH), the demilitarization branch of the worldwide defense company Nammo AS.
(2009-2022) - Speaker and public affairs advisor of SOCAR in Germany (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan), one of the biggest energy companies in the world. (2012-2017)
- Speaker of SRI Schwartz Rechtsanwälte Insolvenzverwalter one of the most successful German lawyers in the field of insolvency administration. Responsible for the entire media activities of around 100 companies between 2007 and 2019 while their restructuring period – for example Europoles, Europe’s leading manufacturer of poles, towers, columns and supporting systems.
- Media consultant for one of the biggest and most prominent German law firms, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, number one in Germany in Public Law and Public Private Partnership. (2010-2017)
- Speaker of the Chairman of the Interior Committee of Bavarian Parliament, Member of Parliament Joachim Hanisch. (2009-2013)
- Speaker of Rohrwerk Maxhütte GmbH, a worldwide active manufacturer of seamless steel tubes. (2001-2005)
- Responsible for the media relations of Siemens AG Amberg, a Siemens facility with 5000 employees. (2000-2007)
- Speaker of the Member of Bavarian Parliament Heinz Donhauser. (2000-2003)
- Speaker and personal assistant of the Local Governor of the district Amberg-Sulzbach (105.000 inhabitants) and speaker of local administration. (1994-2000)
- Experience as relator and trainer
- In 2012 nominated as relator (“The Impact of Personal Relationships in Organizational Communications”) on the occasion of the “8th Professional Seminar for Church Communication Offices” of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, where 300 high-ranged catholic officials from around the world were advised in dealing with media and politicians.
- Exclusive seminars for executive personnel and press spokesmen of larger organizations: the Parliamentary Group of FDP in the German Parliament Bundestag in 2009, the Parliamentary Group of the CSU in the German Bundestag 2003, lawyers of Germany`s number one law firm in Public Law and Public Private Partnership Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek.
- Experience as election campaign manager
- Recommended as media consultant to the candidates for German Parliament elections as well as European Parliament elections by the German Liberal Party (FDP) in 2009.
- Election campaign for Member of German Parliament and Federal Parliamentary Secretary of State Rudolf Kraus 2002 (won).
- Election campaign for Member of German Parliament and Federal Parliamentary Secretary of State Rudolf Kraus 1998 (won).
- Election campaign for District Governor of Amberg-Sulzbach 2002 (lost in stitch selection).
- Election campaign for District Governor of Amberg-Sulzbach 1996 (won).
- Experience as event organizer
- Conception and organization of 17 Rock-/Jazz-/Soul-/Classic-Concerts with up to 6.000 visitors from 1995 to 2003.
- Conception and organization of around 70 inaugurations, company anniversaries and art exhibitions from 1994 to 2005.
My current engagements
- Speaker of IESE Business School for Germany. Responsible for Media Relations and Public Affairs of one of the best Business Schools in the world, ranked #1 in Executive Education by Financial Times for record 6th year, with campuses in Munich, Barcelona, Madrid, New York and Sao Paulo. The IESE Business School educates leaders to whom we can entrust the future of business and society. Learn more under
- Speaker and Public Affairs Advisor of BA Clearance GmbH
The company, BA stands for Battle Area Clearance, detects and removes explosive ordnance and booby traps in current or former crisis regions – or trains local staff to do so. See
See my comment on Berlin in „die WELT“ published in December 2017
enjoy reading!
Contact me
Markus Kurz
mk Public Relations
P.O. Box 1622
D-92206 Amberg
+49 172 812 4378
© Markus Kurz -